Adalaj ni Vav is a great example of the remarkable architecture of the 15th-century with the immense beauty of a sculpture over 400 years. There is a temple at the entrance of Vav. Light passes through the ceiling openings of an incredibly impressive historic building built in an octagon. This attractive structure was built so that the temperature of the stairwell is almost 6 degrees below the outside temperature. The stairs at the three entrances lead to the stairwell. A stunning example of Indo-Islamic architecture and design shows a unique pot that is said to contain the water of life and the tree of life, carved from a single stone. A notable feature of the structure is the Navagraha at the end of the well. It is believed to protect historic sites from evil spirits. The walls are adorned with floral motifs, and the beautiful sculptures show some impressive images, including images of Hindu gods, elephants, flowers, fish, leaves, birds, and more.